Computer Ethics

                                                                             (Computer Hope, 2021)


Ethics is a collection of moral rules that regulate an individual's or a group's behavior(Techterms, 2022).

Computer ethics:

The application of moral ideas to the computers and the internet use is known as computer ethics. Some examples include: intellectual property rights, privacy policies, and online etiquette, or "netiquette"(Techterms, 2022).

Computer ethics for software development:

The software development process is typically described as a path from project planning to final code, with intermediate steps including requirement analysis, system design, coding, system testing, and maintenance. The software's reliability is one of the most significant aspects of these requirements. When computers are used in life critical systems, the computing function as a whole must be exceedingly reliable. Every day, the ramifications of unstable systems and software becoming more widely known. 


Techterms, 2022. Computer Ethics Definition. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 29 May 2022].

Computer Hope, 2021. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 29 May 2022].


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