Research Essay: Main Body


The ultimate goal of software development is to build high quality, maintainable software in a timely and cost-effective manner. This is only possible if the processes for producing it is matured. In this matured process, it should be possible to estimate how much time and effort will be required to complete the end result ahead of time. When building a software product, software development companies use a method. The framework that is utilized to organize, design and control the process of constructing an information system is referred to as this methodology (bartleby, 2022). The standard process of software development completes in six steps which includes gathering and analysis in which the general ideas for any software is gathered and the data is analyzed to ensure what application is supposed to do. Secondly, in the design step it helps in the definition of a systems overall design in software architecture. Along with that coding and implementation comes which is the most time consuming and the production of excellent code by the developers is the main focus of this phase. Moreover, the testing step is the most important step for developers as if any errors are discovered in the codes, then the coding process should be repeated. After the coding errors are eliminated the deployment stage starts. The initial code is made available to customers which is known as Beta testing. Lastly, maintenance is the final step where the software product is operated and maintained and it is resurfaced from time to time to keep the systems up to date with the latest operating system patches (Pham, 2022).


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