
Showing posts from July, 2022

Academic Paper Summary

                                         According to the writer in this paper, the stage of continual innovation is one that software development is. Unprecedented difficulties are being faced by the traditional model of software development. The software industry has turned its attention to theoretical studies. The goal of theoretical study is to determine how to tightly regulate the software development process. The burden may be significantly reduced when developing with software component technology, and it also offers many practical benefits. Software project development is strongly supported and aided by the ideas and practices of software engineering. The burden can be significantly reduced when using software component technology and also, there may be numerous application benefits. It applies the ideas of components, assembly from software components, assembly lines, and manufacturing processes. The process of creating software from software components is primarily represente

Software (Example)

 How to set up IntelliJ IDEA? First go to to install IntelliJ IDEA. Then click on download Click on the download button Then we drag the IntelliJ IDEA to application folder                 Open IntelliJ by double-clicking on it after the copying process is complete by looking for it in the "Applications" folder in finder. Default UI theme, can be choose and then click "Skip Remaining and Set Defaults". Later, UI theme and other settings can be changed.                        References IntelliJ IDEA, 2022.  Install IntelliJ IDEA | IntelliJ IDEA . [online] IntelliJ IDEA Help. Available at: <> [Accessed 17 July 2022].  

Software (Evaluation)

  Each feature of IntelliJ IDEA is designed to offer easy access to all the functions and built-in tools as well as a variety of customization choices (IntelliJ IDEA, 2022). How to use IntelliJ IDEA to develop software Install IntelliJ IDEA using the Toolbox App Create Java application                                            Learn the IDE features                           Learn keyboard shortcuts                Install plugins                             Configure Project                      Write source code References IntelliJ IDEA, 2022.  JetBrains: Essential tools for software developers and teams . [online] JetBrains. Available at: <> [Accessed 17 July 2022]. IntelliJ IDEA, 2022.  Getting started | IntelliJ IDEA . [online] IntelliJ IDEA Help. Available at: <> [Accessed 17 July 2022].

Software (Overview)

                                                                        IntelliJ IDEA                                                         A Java-based integrated development environment (IDE) called IntelliJ IDEA is used to create software in JAR-based languages including Java,  Kotlin, and Groovy. It is created by JetBrains and it comes in both a proprietary commercial edition and an Apache 2 Licensed community edition. Both can be applied to the development of businesses. When we open IntelliJ IDEA, the user interface looks as:                                                                                                             References JetBrains, 2022.  JetBrains: Essential tools for software developers and teams . [online] JetBrains. Available at: <> [Accessed 17 July 2022].     JetBrains 2022. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed

Primary Research (Project Theme Questions)

                                                                                             The graph shows that most of the people responded as the software to be set of programs which is correct that shows that most of the people know what is software.   The above pie-chart shows either MS Office or Python is more popular than other software listed      above among the people who completed this survey. Some people also choose other software to use.       It shows that every people use some software but they differ according to their needs. However, Word seem to be more in use than other software. The graph shows the different percentage for each of the application software. 30 percent of students use web browsers and educational software whereas 20 percent chose spreadsheet and other software. It is clear to see that though people are interested to develop software but only 10 percent of them have made any software to use for themselves.          The above picture shows that all the

Primary Research (Demographic Analysis)

 Primary Research (Demographic Analysis)                                                         From the chart it can be clearly seen that the men are mostly involved or interested for software            development.       The evidence in this chart shows that mostly the age group of 20-30 responded to the survey. Also, the chart shows majority of youths are interested than the older people.                                                    The pie chart illustrates that most of the people interested for software development are from Europe and Asia also the  people from Africa showed their curiosity about software.          The graph above shows the different hours spent on social media. However, most of the people  usually spend 2 hours on social media.               The pie chart above represents the most of the people who were interested to complete the survey            were student.                                           The graph illustrates that majority of people who com

Primary Research Questionnaire

 Hello everyone, this will be a quick survey about software development. What is your gender? What is your age group? Which region are you from? How many hours do you spend on social media? What is your profession? What is your field of interest? What is software? What software do you have? Is there any kind of software which you like to use it most? Which application software do you usually use? Have you made any software to use for yourself? What is the best software you used in your life?

Diagram 2


Diagram 1
